Thursday, April 6, 2017

Finally Final Filming

On the last day of filming the only thing we had to set up was a table with the candles and left the rest to camera trickery. We used tight shots so that we didn't have to show more props than necessary.

Half empty or half FULL?
Me getting that angle, son
In this last scene we established the driving force for the Bruja character's actions. We show her making a potion that rejuvenates her. This was shown by her turning around and back to the camera touching her face and smiling. We also chose to shine a white light behind her to make it seem like she was glowing. 
Berni hitting that nae
In this part of the scene we also brought back the brooch that was seen in the picture of the Bruja's dead lover. Our witch is seen casting a spell using this object. We established this by having her hold what seems to be a spell book and extinguishing the flames using her magic (or spicy bruja glare).
This whole scene is also filmed at a low angle to show her gaining power. We also used mostly red lighting for these parts to represent the passion for her lover that the whole driving force of her actions as well as her anger and power.

The only thing left is to edit. I can see the light my friends.

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